Major Investment for Ballybay Enterprise Park

Major Investment for Ballybay Enterprise Park

After a competitive tender process, Ballybay Enterprise Park Ltd are delighted to announce the appointment of Rodney Brady Construction for the refurbishment and upgrade of five 1,500 sq ft units into state-of-the-art food grade production units. The LEADER supported project is part of a €400,000 plus investment in the park to create a Food Hub in the area for artisan and start up food businesses. It will build upon the county’s long food heritage in an industry that already has a turnover of over €1bn within the county and accounts for approximately 60% of its employment.

The refurbished Ballybay Food Hub will allow new business access to purpose-built food grade units. These will complement the existing food kitchen at the site which is regularly used by local food producers as well as regional training organisations. Finbarr Daly, CEO of Enterprising Monaghan which is one of the partner organisations involved in the project says that these units will be a great asset to the area supporting both new food projects and employment for Ballybay and its environs. He added that the support of LEADER is crucial to this phase of the project. The construction work which will start in the coming weeks is expected to be finished before Christmas this year with some tenants planning to move in early in 2020.

For more information visit:

Group photo: Rodney Brady (R. Brady Construction); Peter McGonigle (Craft Studio Architects); Finbarr Daly (Enterprise Monaghan); Siobhan Sherry – Food Hub Manager; Finbarr Dunwoody (FJD Quantity Surveyors)


Note to Editor:

For more information, please contact Finbarr Daly, CEO Enterprising Monaghan.


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